Policies and Strategic Plans

School Strategic Documents and Reports

FPS Annual Implementation Plan 2024

FPS Annual Report to the School Community 2023

FPS Review Report to the School Community (Derived from the 2018-22 Strategic Plan)

FPS Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026


Child Safe Standards

Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools. The standards ensure that schools are prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.


The 11 Child Safe Standards are:

  1. Culturally safe environments
  2. Leadership, governance & culture
  3. Child and student empowerment
  4. Family engagement
  5. Diversity & equity
  6. Suitable staff & volunteers
  7. Complaints processes
  8. Knowledge, skills & awareness
  9. Physical & online environments
  10. Review of safety practices
  11. Implementation of safety practices