Parent Payments

Fairfield Primary School would like to advise our families of the voluntary financial contributions for 2025. Please see the attached ‘FPS Table of Contributions’ for details.


Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students.


Financial Support for Families

Fairfield Primary School understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:

  • Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF): Parents holding a valid means-tested concession card are eligible to apply. A special consideration category also exists. Eligible families will need to apply for the CSEF at the school office. A payment of $125 for primary school students will be paid directly to the school to be used towards camps, sports, and excursion costs for the benefit of the student.
  • State Schools Relief (SSR): Provides support to any Victorian student attending a government school (primary, secondary or specialist), on the advice of the school. Schools can submit an application directly, whenever they believe there is a need to support a student whose family/carers are facing difficulty in providing the appropriate uniform, footwear, or educational items for attending school.
  • Payment plans for extra-curricular items and activities.


For a confidential discussion about accessing these services, or to discuss alternative payment arrangements, contact the school’s Business Manager.


Payment methods

The preferred method of payment is online through the Compass. The school office will also process cash and EFTPOS payments.



Parent requests for refunds are subject to the discretion of the school and made on a case-by-case basis. Refunds will be provided where the school deems it is reasonable and fair to do so, taking into consideration whether a cost has been incurred, the Department’s Parent Payments Policy and Guidance, Financial Help for Families Policy, and any other relevant information.


Resources & Further Information