
The 2016 Art4All show is nearly upon us and everything I’ve seen gives me something to look forward to. You would have seen the call to action through Compass, through fliers and word of mouth. So, buy your wristbands for the kids’ activities and tickets for the gala night, sell/buy the raffle tickets and get cooking. Importantly, there’s a volunteer hour for everyone whatever your skills and interests, so please sign up. I added my name as soon as the Compass message came out so you’ll find me behind the bar from 5:30pm on the Friday and in front of it from 7:30pm!


Netball Court?

As reported last month, Fairfield is in good standing to receive a state funded competition-grade netball court on our grounds. We’ve received a letter of offer and we’ve confirmed our interest. From here, Sport and Recreation Victoria will undertake site investigations to verify the suitability of the space. Similarly, we’ll assess all the pros and cons including our social contract with community clubs and the versatility of the court for other activities and uses.


Father’s Day Breakfast

In a break from tradition, the Community Committee organized a Fathers’ Day/Special Person Breakfast on Wednesday morning, the hour before the bell. This was a huge effort by Jodi Palmer and Richard Lewis supported by Trish Phelan, Ali Glare, Nickie Gyomber, Lisa Natoli, Bianca Devitt, Joanne Kelley, Sharon Bocarro, Andy Blake and Olivia Beaman. A shout out to Sarah and Elena in the office for their help. Together they fed 300!


It was a great opportunity for fathers to participate in school life and was a tremendous success. A recurring sound bite from people I spoke with was the recognition of seeing so many fathers on the grounds, milling around with their kids and other dads, grandfathers and guardians. For me, it provided the opportunity to meet other dad’s while waiting for brekky and for (my) Josie to take me on a tour of the new double-story classroom and the newly completed landscaping. Thanks for a fantastic event, Community Committee!


Working Bee

So we can showcase our school to the broader community, please get along to the Working Bee this Saturday from midday to 4pm.


See you at Art4All next week!


~ Alister Bayston, President