The Grade 1/2 classes are off to a great start to term three. In writing we are beginning to work on Animal Fantasy Narratives. The stories will have animal characters who behave like people and a setting that could not exist in the real world.


The students have thought of some very creative ideas for their narratives so far:

  • Pigs that invade the world. ~ Elliot
  • Hen’s Birthday ~ Isabel
  • The Cat who went to dance class ~ Sophie
  • Rainbow Panda who lives in a candy world ~ Dominic


We have been reading many Animal Fantasy Narratives in our classrooms to help us to develop a better understanding of the structure and language features of this genre. We have also sorted our picture story books to see if we can identify Animal Fantasy Narratives.


The parts within a narrative are:

  • Orientation (who, where, when)
  • Complication ( what, how)
  • Events (what)
  • Resolution (how, why)


We are looking forward to reading and sharing some amazing stories!




As part of our inquiry unit ‘One World, Many Voices’, Rong (Victor’s mum in 1/2A) shared some information about her Chinese culture with us. We learnt about their clothing, food, money, Chinese New Year, their language and how they write. Rong also taught the students how to make Chinese lanterns.

  • We eat dumplings and eat with chopsticks. I like being Chinese because it is a big country and there is lots of land and every year they have Chinese dragons. ~ Victor
  • They like the colour red because they think it’s lucky and when they write their name they always write their surname first. ~ Dulcie
  • They are two hours behind Australia and they use knots for buttons. ~ Tom
  • They have lanterns to celebrate Chinese New Year. ~ Sophie
  • The colour white is used for funerals. ~ Ailsa
  • They put candles in the bottom of their lanterns and they hold them by putting a chopstick through the handle. ~ Harry and Finn
  • The dragons are held up by people holding sticks to make the dragon look like it’s moving. ~ Ruby
  • They stick paper animals on their windows for Chinese New Year. ~ Sienna
  • Sometimes boys fight with their lanterns and all they come back with is their chopstick because their lantern has caught fire. ~ Ailsa

We are all looking forward to learning about many more cultures throughout the term.

