Foundation Update

The Foundation space has been bustling recently with many incredible projects on the go!

At the beginning of term, a group of children found a family of caterpillars in the playground and brought a few inside to study. Using our observation skills, we explored their shapes, characteristics and behaviour. Children discovered and built up their courage to hold the caterpillars and unsurprisingly the spike on their tail became a focal point for much discussion.

  • “It feels scratchy like a twig” – Izzy Ruaine
  • “We shouldn’t touch it in case it’s dangerous” – Tycho Willis
  • “Why do they have them?” – Astrid Curry
  • “It’s so birds would think that they would spike their throats” – Samilla Dellaway


Building on the children’s interest in the small creatures in our worlds, we were visited by not one, but two amazing experts. Mike brought in a range of incredible creatures that hop, crawl, slither and slime and we learned all about poisonous and venomous animals. Then we had a visit from Drama Toolbox, where we dressed up, acted and danced as minibeasts from Maggie’s garden.


We have been loving the Bounce Back sessions with Mrs Tkatchenko, where we’ve been busy learning all about our core values including co-operation.  Each day we practise co-operation in the Foundation area, where we share materials, space, skills and knowledge. The students have been particularly proud of their achievements in co-operative building, discovering the benefits of working together.


Despite winter’s sniffles and the tired faces at the end of the day, the students should be congratulated on their dedication to their learning and the joy and enthusiasm they bring to school.

Grade 1/2 Update

Grade 1/2 students have thrown themselves into the world of resources this term. A visit to CERES on 14 June further added to our students’ bank of experience and knowledge. This excursion allowed students to make further connections from their inquiry this term about Resources. Students were able to connect and build upon concepts about reusing, recycling and reducing resources through the activities provided at CERES.

Our students have been able to identify knowledge, opinions or behaviour that have changed since the beginning of this term. Many parents have given us feedback about the conversations and questions being shared at home. This certainly has been a rich learning experience for all!

  • I learnt that sometimes there are more resources than you think. Today I learnt how to rethink about rubbish and recycling. – Bella Pelligra, 1/2B
  • Please start recycling because it helps the environment and reduces landfill. – Lila Veale, 1/2B

Grade 3/4 Update

  • I liked making Aboriginal dioramas with my friend Hayley and creating a Prezi. I liked being a part of a Literature Circle, I was the ‘summariser’ and we read the The Janitor’s Boy. I really enjoyed it! – Ella Taylor, 3/4B
  • I enjoyed the maths this term which was learning about perimeter, area and subtraction. Also the grade fours went on camp to Mt. Evelyn where an Aboriginal Elder, Murindindi taught us how to boomerang. In writing we wrote short stories. In Inquiry we studied Aboriginal life from long ago. – Scarlett Kinder 3/4B
  • This term we have done lots of exciting activities. We went on camp and met an Aboriginal Elder. He played the didgeridoo and we sang songs around the camp fire. All the 3/4’s also went to the Melbourne Museum. In maths we learnt about area and perimeter. I think school is awesome! Will Fouhy, 3/4E
  • The thing I most enjoyed about the term was the Grade 4 camp to Mt. Evelyn. We got to do loads of really fun activities. We spent one night there and went on the flying fox, animal encounter, low ropes and various other things. Also, we were the first Grade 4’s at the school to go on camp.  Toby Putland 3/4E
  • What I liked about maths this term was how I learned how to do vertical addition and subtraction, which made it easier to problems work out. I also got good at my ten times tables. In reading I enjoyed reading a book called The Willow Trees Daughter. I was in a literature circle and read the book The Magician’s Elephant. In writing, we got to be creative with our narratives and I liked the adventurous stories that my friend Ava L. made. – Simi Fricker, 3/4B
  • What I enjoyed most this term was our Inquiry unit where we learnt about Aboriginal life from long ago. I studied their shelter and it was fun. There were a few things we could choose from, transport, art, food, clothing and shelter. – Ava Lourey, 3/4E

Grade 5 Update

The inquiry focus for the Year 5’s this term has been Ethics.  Using the question ‘Do the Ends Need to Justify the Means?’ students have investigated a range of ethical issues affecting the world today. The students have looked at issues such as land rights, poor pay and working conditions and child labour. They have researched Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi and Eddie Marbo, all who made significant impacts through non-violent protest.


The students have become passionate advocates for issues such as ending puppy farming, palm oil production, steeple chasing, slave labour and the overuse of plastics, and they have formed action plans to put in place to raise awareness. Some groups have even presented to Year 6, inspiring them to join their chosen cause.


Guest Speaker Clay Ison

Year 5 were very privileged to have Clay Ison speak to us about Aboriginal culture. We all participated in a special smoke ceremony at Kaan’s Winya, where Clay talked about the significance of the ceremony for the Yorta Yorta people, Clay’s tribe.

Clay spoke about what his culture means to him and what life was like for Aboriginal Australians in the past 200 years. This was an incredible powerful talk, which we were all very lucky to experience.

Grade 6 Update

The grade 6 students have reflected on the highlights of the term:

  • Grade 6 presented a war exhibition. We chose a soldier of our choice and did research on them. I spoke to my relatives to get extra information about my soldier, my great-great uncle: Henry Charles Kempson Maxwell.  We presented a diorama, a diary, a letter to our soldier, a fact file and an information sheet. My parents came and so did the rest of the school. – Ned Grace
  • The Grade six year level presented a war history exhibition. We could do it on someone from our family or from the honour roll at our school. We presented a diorama, a war dairy, a letter to our soldier, a fact file and an A3 info page. It was fun to do and all the parents and all year levels enjoyed looking at them. – Charlie Bingle and Lucas Morros
  • All of our work has built up to this. People walked past. We grinned at the people we knew, talked to those who asked. After all our work, we finally had the time to relax and enjoy what we had worked up to. Relax and let people look, understand what we all now know. Witness the war. – Lucy Baker
  • Over this term the grade 6’s have been involved in interschool sports. We have challenged schools from the local area, including Thornbury, Northcote and Wales St. in netball we have enjoyed playing games against other schools; some we won, some we lost. Netball has been great for our leadership skills, organising teams, setting up positions and being team captain for a week. Overall netball has been challenging at times but fun and fair for all players. – Yoyo Zhou and Pelagia Papadopoulos
  • At the athletics carnival all houses kicked off with a great start to the day, and the house that really showed their athleticism was Yarra. We did lots of events such as shotput, discus, long jump and track events. It was lots of fun. Good luck to all the athletes that made it through to district and an even better job to all the kids that tried their hearts out. Good luck for next year! – Seth Pipakis and Asher Wiseman
  • This season in footy it has been fun, competitive and very enjoyable. We have played against other schools in our area. We have enjoyed playing different positions on the ground and experienced all different conditions. We worked well as a team all season. – Matilda Symons and Lucy Johnstone
  • Our newcombe team is full of fun and friendship. We play other schools in our district. We meet friendly players, they have great sportsmanship. We care about the opposition and always hope for a fun game. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses that’s what makes our team successful. We share the ball around during play and give others opportunities to shine. The team are always cooperative and are willing to support the other players. This is why we enjoy our newcombe competition. – Cameron Heath and Tess Baker
  • Soccer has been really fun and I have enjoyed every game. The new tops we wear are a good style and they are very comfortable. When we play at school the crowd on the oval give us lots of support with great cheering. We have won the majority of our game and have liked competing against other schools. Each person gets to try out different positions and encourages each other to do their best. We have really enjoyed being part of the FPS soccer team. – Georgia Angelopoulos and Luke Watson