2017 Foundation Enrolments

FPS is in the midst of taking Foundation enrolments for 2017. If current families have children planning to commence school next year, please submit your enrolment form by Monday 20 June.


Election Day BBQ—A Call to Action

The Federal Election Day is fast approaching and once again Fairfield Primary School is an official polling location. As tradition dictates, a sausage sizzle will be available to the public. It is a successful fundraising event for the school and like all polling booths, there is a ready-made line of customers wanting a sausage.

Call to action!

The Community Committee needs some volunteers to help run the sausage sizzle from 8am – 12pm. If you are able to donate an hour (or more) of you time, please sign up. We really need at least two parents on at a time.

  • 7:30 – 8.00am – set up and commence cooking
  • 8am – 1pm – continue to cook and provide sausages until 1pm (or until they run out.)

The Old Hall will be the location for polling and the BBQ will be set up by the wall of the Foundation classrooms.

Thanks in advance,

The Community Committee


Art4All—T-Shirts Now Available

art4all-tshirt-graphicNow available  for purchase—Art4All T-shirts! This year’s design features Kaan, the tiger snake.  T-shirts cost $24, or you may wish to purchase one as part of the $50 DO IT ALL package.

T-shirts are available in both child and adult sizes. Access TryBooking to find out more and to order your t-shirt.

See the t-shirt poster


Crossing the Road Safely

We would like to remind all families and children to use the designated school crossings, manned with crossing supervisors. This is the safest means of crossing the road.


OSH Club Update

osh1We cannot believe it is almost end of term! Remember to book your child/ren into Alphington Holiday Program as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as spots fill up fast. If you haven’t used the service before all you need to do is add Alphington school onto your online account and then you can book in from there. The brochure is available online or at the program.


If any parents have suggestions on what we can do next term we would love to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to see us at the program or alternatively you can email us.


Last week’s Question of the Week was based around our Outer Space theme “How far is the Sun from planet Earth?” The answer was 149 million kms! We had two winners: Dominic said 100 million kms and Seamus said 1 astronomical unit (he remembered from learning it last year in school). This week our Question of the Week is “How many roads and streets are there in Fairfield?” Good luck everyone!


Next week at OSHClub we will be putting our thinking caps on with our mini inventors week theme. We are looking forward to seeing what the children come up with. We will also be hosting a Red Nose Disco on the last day of school. Children will be baking on Thursday and Friday to sell to parents and school staff to raise money for SIDS. There will also be a fun disco that the children will help run.


The OSHClub staff and I would like to wish everyone happy and safe holidays. We’ll see you in term 2!


Kind regards,



Next week’s activities



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



Before Care Activities


Design an amusement park Tomato sauce 3D glasses



After Care Activities

Balloon cars

Mini handball Extreme Jenga Cupcakes

RedNose disco


Parent Information

  • OSHC program phone: 0432 680 504
  • Coordinator: Lauren
  • Support Coordinator: Jess
  • Assistants: Alison, Caitlin, Alexis, Emily, Aidan
  • OSHClub Head Office: 03 8564 9000

All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free! Please create an account online at www.oshclub.com.au all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.