The wheels are in motion…

A Fair to Remember 2017 is going to be another Musical Extravaganza and will be held on Saturday 25 March, 2017. This will be our seventh “A Fair to Remember” and another fantastic Fairfield PS event!


The executive team is (mostly) in place; we have entertainment, rides, food, drinks and publicity already booked.  All we need now is support from our parent community to help coordinate the logistics leading up to the Fair.


Call to Action—Join Us for Our First Meeting; All Welcome!

Our first fair planning metting is scheduled for Tuesday 25 October from 7-8pm in the staffroom.



We welcome everyone who is interested in playing a part in organising this event. The major elements of the fair are already booked, so we need volunteers to help manage the various elements and keep us on track. Come along, share your ideas and be a part of a team that works hard and has a great, supportive time together! To help sweeten the deal, there will be wine and cheese and crackers on offer at the meeting too!


Wise Words from our Outgoing Convenors—Leisa Bayston and Prue Bowman

Between us, we have convened “A Fair to Remember” six times and it has been a huge amount of fun! It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to work on such an amazing community event. The highlight for both of us has been the friends we have made through the years; you really get to know people when you work alongside them!


We can’t just take our great community for granted—enough people have to give what they can or it doesn’t work.  We are really proud to have modelled these values for our kids. We hope they will be the ones putting their hands up in their communities when they are adults!


So, please think about convening and playing a role in 2017. It really is a privilege and a pleasure. In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take!