Fairfield Primary continues to evaluate its approach to teaching, as we strive towards providing opportunities for students to connect, engage and to activate the shaping of their world or the world around them. Our involvement in the Powerful Learning project has enabled us to explore the importance of students acquiring a conceptual understanding of the subject matter. These understandings then give greater meaning to the skills and knowledge that they later develop.


The school has received recognition for this work within the region. Katrina Lamers, Geoff McShane and I presented to 160 educators on Tuesday evening. During this presentation we discussed how at Fairfield Primary School, we design lessons to ensure that the learning is relevant to the child. Part of this process includes the formation of Learning Intentions, which indicate the expected learning to occur for that student at that time. Learning Intentions provide guidance to what the students are expected to learn, which results in greater application and understanding during the learning process.


Visiting principals

We look forward to welcoming four visiting principals from Tasmania next Tuesday. Fairfield Primary was selected as an example of a progressive school where student learning outcomes have been improved through a changed paradigm of professional learning for all staff.


Dogs around the school grounds

It has been brought to the school’s attention that dogs that have been tied and left unattended along the school fence. This has resulted in incidences of dogs biting students. We advise the school community to not leave dogs unattended due to the potential risk to injury that this can cause.



On Monday the school conducted its first lunchtime chess program. This was a huge success. We had 36 students taking part; learning about the game and applying what they have learned to game situations. Due to the large uptake of interest, the school is pursuing a second coach to support this program.


Student Engagement Policy

The updated Student Engagement Policy is now on our school’s website. We encourage community members to read through this policy which aims to support an engaging and safe environment for students.