Our FPS community is a special one. We have so many people ready to step up and help out with our events, working bees, in the classroom, on excursions and around the school, on committees and about the grounds. We want to express our sincerest of thanks for your contributions—we cannot do it without you. Your willingness to dedicate time and energy to the school is highly appreciated.
We wanted to thank the following members of our community:
- The awesome ‘A Fair to Remember’ committee members. We appreciate the way you were able to pull together so many activities, musicians, stalls, sponsors, etc. What a fabulous event you organised again for our school and broader community. Thanks too to the parent volunteers who helped out on the day!
- Our ever amazing Art4All committee members—you really produced the most amazing and successful art show and community event this September. Thanks too to all the parent volunteers who stepped up and provided your expertise at the event.
- Our Rock Trivia Night organisers and musicians.
- Our diligent school cleaners who consistently go above and beyond to keep our school spic and span.
- Our class liaisons, who have dutifully conveyed and reinforced school messaging.
- Our Farmer’s Market helpers for manning the gates and organising volunteers to help out.
- Those that ran the Election Day BBQ at FPS.
- Our Father’s Day breakfast hosts with and Mother’s Day stall volunteers.
- Our organisers of the Foundation social evening—what a great night!
- The people who have turned up to each of our working bees this year. The grounds always look great upon your departure.
- Our crossing supervisor—thanks for your friendly face and cheerful demeanour every day.
- Our leaf sweepers, who quietly come and sweep the leaves away from the front of the school.
- Our lost property organisers. Thanks for keeping our lost property room so tidy…often in the face of overwhelming numbers of tops and hats.
- Our school nurses—what a caring service you provide.
- All the family members who have helped out in the classroom, from listening to readers, building billy carts, coming in as a guest speaker and adding a generous helping hand to classroom activities.
- Thanks to all those who have attended excursions and sporting day events.
- Our School banking organisers.
- Our gardeners! Kaan’s Winya and the planted areas are looking beautiful.
- Our concert props and costume makers, we appreciate your behind-the-scenes support.
- Our mail collector and library book coverer.
- Finally, thank you to all the parents who make time out of their busy schedule to be a part of the School Council, Buildings and Grounds Committee, the Community Committee and the Policy Committee.
To anyone we have inadvertently missed—we thank you too.