Curriculum Overview

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The Victorian Curriculum informs the development of Fairfield Primary School’s curriculum and provides a solid foundation for students’ future learning. Achievement standards and outcomes outline the essential learning elements for students as they progress through school.

Fairfield Primary School educates students via a comprehensive and sequential curriculum. Our expert educators specialise in the needs of young students and provide a supportive and caring environment to foster students’ social, emotional, intellectual and creative development. We provide a differentiated, explicit and extensive educational program that caters to each student’s unique learning style and nurtures and develops each student’s potential.


The relationship between home and the school is an extremely important aspect of life at Fairfield Primary School. Our learning community involves parents, students and teachers working partnership to ensure each student reaches their full potential. Classroom assistance is recognised as an integral part of life at Fairfield Primary School and is popular with parents who wish to be involved in their children’s education. Parents assist in programs Reading, Literacy activities, Mathematics, Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) and Physical Education.


The Fairfield Primary School curriculum provides a firm grounding in Literacy, Numeracy and inquiry-based learning opportunities. The curriculum is engaging, relevant, challenging and meaningful for all learners. It provides opportunities for students to build meaning and refine understanding, principally through both an explicit and inquiry approach to teaching and learning.


We strive to inspire a love of learning in every student, and aim to equip them with critical thinking, independence and initiative skill to prepare them for their future.