Yes, as your children may have informed you, we are still immersed in textile art.

  • We have manipulated kilometres of wool and cotton and acres of fabric.
  • We have pulled, cut, woven, stitched, knitted, wrapped, stuffed and decorated.


Foundation Artists: Who could believe we can weave wool to make fabric? We can…with a slotted card and lengths of wool!


Grade 1/2 Artists: We have gone finger knitting crazy! I think we could wrap the school in all our finger knitting. Instead we are wrapping a chair. It is going to be so comfortable.


Grade 3/4 Artists: There are spirits hanging in the Art Room in the form of beautifully decorated poles. They all have a story to tell, just listen very carefully!


Grade 5/6 Artists: There are even more spirits gathering…over a hundred more, masquerading as spirit dolls. Some are as tall as a small child!


Yes, our Art Room is becoming very crowded at the moment. Why don’t you join the crowds and come with your student artist and have look?