VAFoundation-13Term 3 ended with great excitement with Art4All fun.


“Our colourful paintings were on display for all to view. We felt so proud of what we created.”



  • We mixed the primary colours and made orange, green and purple.
  • We printed on top of the orange with corks and card dipped in red and black paint. Find our works in the art room corridor.

VA12-13Grade 1/2

  • We continued to work with hot and cold colours, painting a mixture of hot colours for a background, decorating with cold dots!
  • See our pieces in the art room and in our classroom.

VA34-13Grade 3/4

  • To create our complementary work we painted two backgrounds using a complementary pair. We used black and white to mix as many shades, tints and tones as we could.
  • We cut out a butterfly, dragonfly or frog from one background and collaged it on the other. To decorate, we patterned lines and shapes on the creature.
  • Admire our artworks in the art room and on the way to the Old Hall.

VA6-13Grade 5/6

  • For our framed work we initially considered an idea, a powerful word or emotion and translated this word visually, acknowledging our understanding of the aboriginal style.
  • We considered colour, shape and pattern to reflect our interpretation.
  • To finalise our work, we created a narrative to echo our word.
  • Look out for our paintings on show in the Gym foyer and in the art room.