Bonjour à tous!

I am delighted to share the achievements in French for Term 1. What a term it has been! I really enjoy hearing the students saying “Bonjour Madame!” in the school yard or responding to my “Comment ça va?” with enthusiasm. Keep it up!

This first term has been mainly about revising our French oral language skills and using French in purposeful, real life situations such as games, conversations and presentations.

Grade 1/2french

We have been learning greetings, numbers, colours, days of the week and working in pairs and small groups to have conversations. We played bingo to use our knowledge of the French colours and numbers. We learnt songs such as ‘Bonjour Monsieur Bonjour Madame’ and the days of the week.

Grade 3/4

It has been a really fun term in Grade 3/4. We based our learning on the picture story book ‘Mimi joue au foot’. We learnt many phrases and lots of new vocabulary based on playing soccer. The goal of the term was to play a real soccer game through French, and we did it! The learning journeyed as the children thought of new ideas along the way. We made posters, wrote a song and prepared the phrases we would need to play the match.french6

Grade 5/6

We have taken quite a creative route this term in French. Alongside revision of classroom French and daily greetings, we have been working with a variety of French picture story books. The intention of this work was for students to become familiar with French texts, looking at new vocabulary, to enjoy a story in a different language while noticing some

french8features and structures of French sentences. Students had to choose a book and work collaboratively to make their own version of the story. Some of the texts were well known to the children from their English language versions. Can you recognise any?

